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The Genge Press is a small press set up in 2004 by Sue Lloyd, BA, MPhil., originally to publish books by or about Edmond Rostand, creator of the play Cyrano de Bergerac.
- Home1
- Genge Press
- Edmond Rostand: a brief overview of his life and work
- First English Biography of Edmond Rostand
- Chantecler by Edmond Rostand
- The Two Pierrots by Edmond Rostand
- From Curragh to Ketch: the Story of Minehead's Quay Town
- Poetry: Brigid Somerset
- The Anarchist Geographer: Peter Kropotkin
- Bibliography of Edmond Rostand's works etc.
- bibliography of Christopher Fry's works
- The Woman of Samaria by Edmond Rostand