See also: Edmond Rostand - Biographies [Rostand] | Rostand's Plays [Plays]
A Brief Biography [Rostand]
A Brief Biography [Rostand]
This online bibliography may be copied freely. It will be
frequently updated and fresh information will be welcome.
I Works of Edmond Rostand:
Plays; Prose; Verse anthologies; major poems
published separately.
II Biographies and Studies of the work of Edmond Rostand:
Books in French
and English; unpublished theses in French and English; articles and speeches in
French and English.
III The Plays of Edmond Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac, Chantecler, L’Aiglon, La Princesse lointaine, La Samaritaine, Les Romanesques and Les Deux Pierrots, La Dernière Nuit de Don Juan.
Information for each play is listed in the following order:
Editions available, in French and EnglishBooks about the play, in French and English
Articles about the play, in French and English
Translations into English, in chronological order
Translations into other languages
Major performances (some in preparation)
Films of the play or inspired by the play
Operas, musicals, ballets and other music inspired by the play
Radio and television broadcasts and recordings
Parodies and other spin-offs
This bibiography is as accurate as I have been able to make it, but is far from complete. Corrections and additions would be welcome. I am grateful to Thom Christoph for his comprehensive list of translations into many languages (available on request), and to Neil Hornick and others, whose contributions help me keep this bibliography up-to-date. Martin Premsela's literary biography of Rostand also lists translations of Rostand's plays into other languages, up to 1933. Philippe Bulinge’s website,, is a continuing source of information and inspiration. (SML).
Collected works
Oeuvres complètes illustrées, 5 vols in quarto, ed. Pierre Lafitte,
with preface by Émile Faguet (Paris: Hachette, 1910-11) I: Les
Musardises; Le Bois sacré; Les Romanesques; II: La
Samaritaine, La Princesse lointaine; III: Cyrano de
Bergerac; IV: L’Aiglon; V: Chantecler. In 1923 were
added: VI: Le Vol de la Marseillaise; Les Deux Pierrots; VII:
Le Cantique de l’aile; La Dernière Nuit de Don Juan.Later editions had different groupings. One numbered set, published in 1939, 5 vols in-quarto, had this order:
I: Cyrano de Bergerac; II: Chantecler; III: La Samaritaine, La Princesse lointaine, Le Bois sacré; IV: Les Romanesques, Les Deux Pierrots, La Dernière Nuit de Don Juan; V: L’Aiglon.
Oeuvres complètes, 10 vols. (Paris:Fasquelle, 1921-26)
Théatre d’Edmond Rostand (Presses de la Cité, 2006), with preface by Claude Aziza: all the plays except Le Gant rouge. 992 pp.
Plays, listed chronologically with date of first publication:
[1888: Le Gant rouge (Archives nationales, Liasse F18-1036)] (Rostand later regretted this early work, a co-written farce performed briefly at the Cluny Theatre in 1888) Republished in August 2009, with some early (1888) letters to Rostand's fiancée, Rosemonde Gérard, by Michel Forrier & Olivier Goetz (Ed.Nicholas Malais, Paris, 522 pp).
1891: Les Deux Pierrots ou le Souper blanc , lever de rideau en vers; published as Pierrot qui pleure et Pierrot qui rit, with music by Alexis Rostand (Heugel, 1899); revised version in Je Sais tout, Dec. 1909; bound with Les Romanesques (Fasquelle, 1923)
1894: Les Romanesques, comédie en trois actes en vers (Fasquelle, 1894)
1895: La Princesse lointaine, pièce en quatre actes en vers
(Fasquelle, 1895); revised version (Fasquelle, 1929)
1897: La Samaritaine, évangile en trois tableaux en vers (Fasquelle, 1897)
1897: Cyrano de Bergerac, comédie héroique en cinq actes en vers (Fasquelle, 1898)
1900: L’Aiglon, drame en six actes en vers (Paris: Fasquelle, 1900)
1908: Le Bois sacré, pantomime en vers, L’Illustration, Christmas 1908 (extracts only); L’Illustration, 23 April 1910
1910: Chantecler, pièce en quatre actes en vers (Fasquelle, 1910)
1912: La Dernière Nuit de Don Juan, poème dramatique en deux parties et un prologue (Fasquelle, 1921)
posthumous: Faust de Goethe, adaptation inédite, édition établie par Philippe Bulinge (Editions Théâtrales, 2007)
Prose Works, listed chronologically:
1887: Deux Romanciers de Provence: Honoré d’Urfé et Émile Zola (Champion, 1921)
1887: “Le Costume du petit Jacques”, Le Gaulois, 2 May, 1-2. Newly published as illustrated book by Éditions Gascogne, May 2011. Presentation by Rostand scholar Michel Forrier, 21pp.
1903: Discours de réception à l’Académie française, le quatre juin, 1903 (Fasquelle, 1903)
Plus numerous prefaces and “lettres-préfaces”, e.g. to Jules Huret's Sarah Bernhardt (1899), Charles Muller par ses amis (1918), Louis Geandreau, Le Ciel dans l'eau (1917), etc.
Verse Anthologies
Les Musardises (Lemerre, 1890)
Les Musardises, édition nouvelle, 1887-1893 (Fasquelle, 1911)
Le Cantique de l’aile (Fasquelle, 1922) Contains all the major poems written 1893 -1914
Le Vol de la Marseillaise (Fasquelle, 1919) Poems written during the 1914-18 War (Four are included in Anthology of First World War French Poetry, ed. Ian Higgins (University of Glasgow French & German Publications, 1996)
Choix de poésies (Fasquelle, 1925) Poems and extracts from Rostand’s plays
Major Poems published separately, listed in order of composition
“A la Musique”, with musical score by Emmanuel Chabrier (Paris, 1914)
“Un Rêve”, in Les Oeuvres libres, vol.1, (Fayard, 1921)
“Pour la Grèce”, 11 March 1897 (Fasquelle, 1897); in Le Cantique de l’aile, 29
“La Journee d’une Précieuse” (written 1899), Lectures pour tous, Jan. 1900; in Les Élégantes (Hachette, 1913) and Le Cantique de l’aile, 139-71
“A Kruger” (written 26 Nov. 1900), Figaro, 9 Dec. 1900 (Fasquelle, 1900); Le Cantique de l’aile, 67
“A Sa Majesté l’Impératrice de Russie”, Le Gaulois, 20 Sept. 1901; in Le Cantique de l’aile, 41-55
“Un soir à Hernani”, Le Gaulois, 4 March 1902 (Fasquelle, 1902); in Le Cantique de l’aile, 172-200
“Le Verger”, Figaro, 22 April 1903 (Fasquelle, 1903); Le Cantique de l’aile, 86
“Les Douze Travaux” (written in 1909), Illustration, Christmas, 1920
“A Antoine”, in A Antoine (Champion, 1914)
See also Poésie castillane contemporaine (Paris:Perrin et Cie, 1889), which includes several French versions written by Rostand
See also Six Mélodies, with musical score by Emmanuel Chabrier (Enoch, 1890), which includes three poems by Rostand. (Hyperion Records CDA67 133/4: Chabrier: “Musique adorable”, 2 CDs: “Ode A la Musique”, plus the three poems by Rostand, two by his wife, and one other.)
in chronological order (All
works published in Paris unless stated otherwise)
In French
RICTUS, Jehan, Un Bluff littéraire, le cas Edmond Rostand (P.Sevin et E.Rey, 1903). Bitter and misguided attack on Edmond RostandHAUGMARD, L., Edmond Rostand: Biographie-critique etc. (Sansot et cie, 1910) Slim volume written for the Célébrités d’aujourd’hui series
HARASZTI, Prof. Jules, Edmond Rostand (Paris: Fontemoing et cie, 1913) Perceptive study of the poet’s work (lectures originally given at Budapest University)
KARSENTY, J: Edmond Rostand - Étude biographique et littéraire (1919)
SUBERVILLE, Jean, Edmond Rostand, son théâtre, son oeuvre posthume, 2nd ed. (Chiron, 1921) Updated edition of Suberville’s 1919 study, Le Théâtre d’Edmond Rostand (Éditions et Libraires)
LAUTIER, A., KELLER, F., Edmond Rostand, son oeuvre (Paris, 1924) Brief study with comprehensive bibliography.
FAURE, Paul, Vingt Ans d’intimité avec Edmond Rostand (Plon, 1928) Rostand’s life after moving to the Basque country
APESTEGUY, P., La Vie profonde d’Edmond Rostand (Fasquelle, 1929) Reverent study of the poet and his inner life
GRIEVE, J.W., L’Oeuvre dramatique d’Edmond Rostand (Les Oeuvres représentatives, 1931) Leans heavily on Haraszti, q.v.
PREMSELA, Martin J., Edmond Rostand (Amsterdam: J.M.Meulenhoff, 1933) (in French).The most scholarly and thorough account of Rostand’s work in any language.
GÉRARD, Rosemonde, Edmond Rostand (Charpentier-Fasquelle, 1935) Mme Edmond Rostand’s account of the poet’s life and successes
SOCIÉTÉ DES AMIS D'EDMOND ROSTAND: Hommage à Edmond Rostand (1948)
LYET, Dr, Le Style et la psychose maniaco-dépressive, Edmond Rostand (Thesis for Faculty of Medicine, Paris, 1949)
CUZACQ, René, in Les Écrivains du pays basque (1951)
LUTGEN, Odette, De Père en fils (Psychobiographie, 1679 – 1964) (Plon; Geneva: La Palatine, 1965) Psychological study of Edmond Rostand and his family
RIPERT, Émile, Edmond Rostand, sa vie et son oeuvre (Hachette, 1968) enthusiastic and readable biography, published to celebrate the centenary of Rostand’s birth by the Provençal poet Ripert, who was a professor at the University of Aix and a lifelong admirer of Edmond Rostand
GROSSIN, J: Les Rostands, essai graphologique (1969)
DABADIE, Maïté, Lettre à ma nièce sur Edmond Rostand (Toulouse: Éditions Privat, 1970) Personal and idealistic
MIGEO, Marcel, Les Rostands (Stock, 1973) Biographical study of Edmond Rostand, his wife Rosemonde Gérard, and his two sons, Maurice and Jean
ANDRY, Marc, Edmond Rostand: le panache et la gloire (Plon, 1986) Lighthearted, anecdotal biography
GARCIA, Carole and Dargelès, Roland: Edmond Rostand: panache et tourments (Canada, Hélette: J.Curutchet, 1997)
MARGERIE, Caroline de, Edmond Rostand ou le baiser de la gloire (Grasset, 1997) Excellent modern biography drawing on family archives
ESPIL, Pierre, Edmond Rostand, une vie (Bayonne: Éditions de Mondarrain, 1998) Modern biography based on memories of Paul Faure, Rostand’s friend at Cambo
LORCEY, Jacques, Edmond Rostand (Anglet, Atlantica, 2004, 3 vols).
Carnet Edmond Rostand (Comédie-Française , 1997)
In English
AMOIA, Alba, Edmond Rostand (Boston: Twayne Pub’s, 1978) The fullest
literary study of Edmond Rostand’s work in EnglishLLOYD, Susan M. , The Man who was Cyrano, a Life of Edmond Rostand, Creator of "Cyrano de Bergerac" (Indiana, USA: Unlimited Publishing/UK: Genge Press, 2003; UK:Genge Press, 2007 [as Sue Lloyd])
Unpublished theses on the work of Edmond Rostand,in chronological order (See also under individual plays)
HOLDEN, G.D., Edmond Rostand et son oeuvre dramatique (MA Thesis, Birmingham, UK, 1922)
HITCHENS, Alice C., The Romantic Element in Rostand with special reference to “Cyrano de Bergerac” & “Chantecler” (MA thesis, Manchester, UK, 1927)
KATZ, Elly, L’Esprit français dans le théâtre d’ Edmond Rostand (Toulouse, 1934)
BARKER, Nancy, Colour and Sound in Rostand’s Drama (PhD, Wisconsin, 1941)
DICKINSON, M., The Plays of Edmond Rostand on the American professional stage (MA, University of Washington, 1942)
MILLER, E.V.W., The Dramatic works of Edmond Rostand (B.Litt.Thesis, Oxford, 1966-7)
ELLIOT, Patricia Ann, The Dramaturgy of Rostand (Louisiana State University, 1968
PLASSE, Maurice B., La Dramaturgie d’ Edmond Rostand (doctoral thesis for Université de Paris, III, 1974)
LLOYD, Susan M., Edmond Rostand’s Success: “Cyrano de Bergerac” (M.Phil. thesis, University of East Anglia, 1977)
BULINGE, Philippe, Humain et Humanisme dans l’oeuvre d’Edmond Rostand, entre modernisme et classicisme (Thèse de Doctorat en preparation); essays on L’Aiglon, la Samaritaine and Cyrano de Bergerac are accessible on his website, which is devoted to Edmond Rostand (
BULINGE, Philippe & LAVOREL, Guy, Edmond Rostand: Renaissance d’une oeuvre. Papers delivered at the conference held at Arnaga, 1-2 June 2006 (due to be published Sept 2007, Lyons, Cedic)
Articles and Speeches about Rostand and his work (a selection)
BENOIT, Pierre, “Le Souvenir de Rostand”, Revue des deux mondes, 18 (Sept. 1952), 253-8BRULAT, Paul, “Rostand Écolier”, Annales politiques et littéraires, 15 Dec. 1918
CLARAC, P.,”Lettres d’ Edmond Rostand pendant la guerre”, Revue des deux mondes, 1 Dec. 1928
DELAUNAY, Albert, “Edmond Rostand par Jean Rostand. Un entretien”, Nouvelles littéraires, 2119 (1968), 1,2
FLETCHER, J.C. (”George Fleming”), “M. Edmond Rostand and the literary prospects of the Drama”, Edinburgh Review, CICII (Jul-Oct.1900), 307-321
GÉRARD, R. and others, “Cyrano de Bergerac”, Illustration, 28 Jan. 1939
GORSSE, Henry de, “L’Enfance pyrénéenne d’ Edmond Rostand”, Revue de France, V (1921), 75-102 (Fasquelle, 1922)
GORSSE, Pierre de, ed., “A la mémoire d’ Edmond Rostand” (Fasquelle, 1922)
GORSSE, Pierre de, “Edmond Rostand, Poète français d’inspiration commingeoise” (Revue de Comminges, 1950-1) (Toulouse, 1951)
HEPP-LE BARGY, M., & HEPP, J., “L’Amitié d’Edmond Rostand et de Charles Le Bargy”, Revue des deux mondes (June1986), 608-621
LECRIQUE, C., “Hommage à Edmond Rostand & Rosemonde Gérard”, La Grive (Oct 1952, Oct. 1953)
MARGERIE, Roland de, in Marseille III, 70 (Jan-Feb. 1968), 25-32
MARIE, André, “Un Hommage à Edmond Rostand”, Revue des deux mondes, 18 (Sept. 1952), 177-184
PAYOUD, Jean, in Le Petit Marseillais (11th April 1930)
POIZAT, A., “Edmond Rostand”, Le Correspondent, 273 (1918), 789-97
SAIX, Guillaume de, Comoedia, 2 Dec. 1926, 1; Comoedia, 24 Oct. 1919, 1
SAMAZEUILH, G., “Le Théâtre d’Edmond Rostand et la musique”, Mercure de France, 1 June 1937
VÉBER, Pierre, in Le Gaulois (11 May 1922), 1
VOGUÉ, Vicomte E. Melchior de, “Réponse au discours de réception de Edmond Rostand, 4th June 1903” (Paris, 1903, and in Sous les Lauriers, Paris, 1911)
WEBER, Jean, “Rostand, ‘sans qui les choses ne seraient que ce qu’elles sont’”, Les Annales (Conferencia), 228 (Oct.1969), 3-33
The Collection Auguste Rondel, at the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Paris, contains contemporary reviews etc. relating to performances of Rostand’s plays.
See the website for up-to-the-minute "actualités" courtesy of Thomas Sertillanges.
Editions of Cyrano de Bergerac in
(modern texts use Rostand’s corrected version of 1910)
Cyrano de Bergerac, édition critique, Jacques Truchet, with
illustrations (“Lettres Françaises”, Imprimerie Nationale, 1983) This is the
most scholarly French edition of R’s play. Cyrano de Bergerac, preface by Maurice Pons, with illustrations including letters from Edmond Rostand and Constant Coquelin (Paris: Le Club du meilleur livre, 1959)
Belmondo; “Cyrano de Bergerac”, with illustrations and notes on the 1990 Paris production starring Jean-Paul Belmondo, and information about earlier French productions (Paris: “Les Trois Coups”, Éditions Sévigny, 1990)
Numerous other modern paperback editions available,
with notes etc.,for instance:
Classiques Larousse, Librairie Larousse (2000); notes by Patrice PavisFlammarion, (2000) ed. Willy de Spens
Livre de poche, Librairie générale française (2000); notes by Pierre Barillet and Patrice Pavis
Collection Folio, Éditions Gallimard (1999); notes by Patrick Besnier
Univers des Lettres Bordas, Bordas (1998); notes & questions by Pierre Lauxerois
“Lire et voir les classiques”, Presses Pocket (1998); preface and notes by Claude Aziza
Une Oeuvre, un thème, Classiques Hatier, Hatier (1997): Cyrano de Bergerac, Personnages extravagants; extracts from various texts, with commentaries by Sophie Valle
“Classiques et cie”, Hatier(2005); notes and dossier by Nicholas Leclerc
Also Collections Hachette, Plon, Collections Balises, Collection Avant-Scène théâtre (1997), etc.
Books about Cyrano de Bergerac in French
APOSTOLOIDES, Jean-Marie, Cyrano, qui fut tout et ne fut rien (Paris, Bruxelles: Les Impressions nouvelles, 2006)
Cyrano de Bergerac, dossier pédagogy (Larousse, 2000)
HUSTER, Francis, Cyrano: à la recherche du nez perdu (Ramsay Archimand, 1997) One of several books by actors.
BISSON, Philippe, Cyrano de Bergerac (Paris: Nathan, 1993) For school students.
HOVINGH, M., Autour de Cyrano de Bergerac: sa vie, etc. (1908) The historical Cyrano.
Critical editions of Cyrano de Bergerac in English
KUHNS, Oscar, Cyrano de Bergerac (New York, 1899) Reissued in revised edition by H.W.Church, up until 1970
SPEARS, A.G.H., Cyrano de Bergerac (New York, 1921). Reprinted in 1962
WILSON, N.Scarlyn , Cyrano de Bergerac (London & Paris: Hachette, 1933)
ASHTON, H. Cyrano de Bergerac (Blackwell’s French texts, Oxford, 1942) Reprinted all through 40s and in 1962
BIRD, E.A., Edmond Rostand: “Cyrano de Bergerac” (Toronto and London: Methuen Educational Ltd., 1968, 1970)
WOOLLEN, Geoff, Cyrano de Bergerac (London:Duckworth, for Bristol Classical Press, 1994) French text, with excellent introduction, notes, and bibliography listing performances etc. Still in print.
English Guides to Cyrano de Bergerac
ADDYMAN, ISHBEL: Cyrano: the Life and Legend of Cyrano de Bergerac (London, Simon & Schuster UK, 2008) This is a very readable history of the real-life Cyrano de Bergerac.
DUBOSE, E. and L., Rostand’s “Cyrano de Bergerac”, Cliffs Notes Series (Lincoln, Nebraska, 1971) Notes only. Still in print
FREEMAN, Edward, "Cyrano de Bergerac", Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature, 34 (University of Glasgow, 1995) Highly recommended introduction. Lists editions and translations. Still in print.
CHWEH, C.R., Readings on “Cyrano de Bergerac”, Literary Companions series (USA: Greenhaven press, 2001)
Articles on Cyrano de Bergerac in French and English
BAUER, Gérard, “Le Panache de Cyrano”, Annales Conferencia, 37th year, no.12 (15 Dec. 1948), 508;
BAUER, G, “Le Centenaire d’Edmond Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac” , Historia, 257 (April 1968), 56-65
BOURGEOIS, Jean, "Cyrano de Bergerac à la lumière de son doublet: La Princesse lointaine", in L’Information littéraire, 49 year, no 3, mai-juin 1997, pp 3-8
BUGLIANI, A, “Man shall not live by bread alone: the biblical sub-text in Cyrano de Bergerac", in Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature, 2003
BULINGE, Philippe, L’héritage de “La Samaritaine” dans “Cyrano de Bergerac d’Edmond Rostand”, Lyon Moulin-Lyon 3, 1998
FAVALELLI, Max, “La Triumphale Première de Cyrano de Bergerac”, Paris-Presse -L’Intransigeant (8 Feb. 1956), 2
GERARD, R. and others, Cyrano de Bergerac, Illustration, 28 Jan. 1939
MAGNE, Émile, Les Erreurs de documentation de “Cyrano de Bergerac”, with autograph letter by Edmond Rostand (Éditions de la Revue de France,1898; Revue de Paris, June, July, Aug., 1898)
PONS, Maurice, “L’Année Cyrano”, Revue de Paris, 63rd year (March 1956), 115-20
RAT, M., “Quand l’enfant Rostand découvrait Cyrano”, Les Nouvelles Littéraires, 42nd year, no. 1901 (6th Feb. 1964), 3
VERNOIS, Paul: “Architecture et écriture théâtrales dans Cyrano de Bergerac,”, Travauz de linguistique et de literature de l’Université de Strasbourg, IV, 2, 1966, 111-138
Major English Translations of Cyrano De Bergerac in chronological
HALL, Cyrano de Bergerac, in verse (New York: Doubleday & McClure, 1898; London, 1900). First official English version, in prose. Found in numerous anthologies in 1930s and 40s.* Also on internet at
KINGSBURY, Howard T., Cyrano de Bergerac, in blank verse (Boston & London, 1898).* The version used by Richard Mansfield; in anthologies as late as 1970. Adapted for school use by Erna Kruckemeyer (New York: Samual French, Inc., 1952). Reissued Nov. 2004 by Pocket Books, USA.
THOMAS, Gladys & GUILLEMARD, Mary F., Cyrano de Bergerac, in blank verse (New York: G.Munro, 1898; London: Heinemann,1898).* Many re-editions. Available on the internet
NORMAN, Mrs Henderson Dangerfield, Cyrano de Bergerac, in rhymed verse, in Collected Plays of Edmond Rostand, vol. 1 (New York & London: Macmillan, 1921) Republished by Bibibliolife LLC, 2011 in original format.
HOOKER, Brian, Cyrano de Bergerac, in blank verse (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, inc., 1923; London: Allen & Unwin, 1924) Replaced Howard Kingsbury’s version for Walter Hampden and later actors, until 60s.* Used for José Ferrer’s film, and as basis for Frank Langella’s Cyrano, an adaptation using ony thirteen actors (New York: Broadway Play Publishing, Inc.) Numerous re-editions; still in print.
WOLFE, Humbert, Cyrano de Bergerac (London: Hutchinson, 1937; New York: Peter Pauper Press, 1941). * Written for projected film by Orson Welles, with Charles Laughton as Cyrano. Exuberant rhyming verse, faithful to original but now rather dated.
FORSYTH, James, Cyrano de Bergerac (Chicago, USA: Dramatic Publishing Co., 1968): much praised stage version, reckoned by some the best since Wolfe.
BURGESS, Anthony, Cyrano de Bergerac (adapted version for Tyrone Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis (New York: Knopf,1971)); closer version for 1983 RSC performance in London (London: Hutchinson, 1985): free and vivacious modern translation in rhythmic verse. First version used for 1973 musical in New York. Later version drawn on for subtitles in J-P Rappeneau’s 1990 film. Still in print, various editions (e.g. Vin Books, 1990; Bantam Books, 1981; Applause Books, 1998).
BAIR, Lowell, Cyrano de Bergerac (New York: Signet Classics, 1972, 2003, 2005); London: Penguin, 1991; Turtleback Books, 2003- hardback). Prose version, but close to original, with notes.
FRY, Christopher, Cyrano de Bergerac, (London: OUP, 1975). * In “chiming” couplets, and true to Rostand’s idealism. Reissued in 1998 in paperback in Oxford World’s Classics Series.
MORGAN, Edwin, Edmond Rostand’s “Cyrano de Bergerac” (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1992) “Racy new translation into Glaswegian”, for the Communicado production, Glasgow. Still in print.
MAHON, Derek, Cyrano de Bergerac (London: Gallery Press, April 2004) Colloquial (even slangy at times), free-flowing rendering in loosely-rhyming verse for the 2004 National Theatre, London, production.
CLARK, Carol, Cyrano de Bergerac (London: Penguin Books, 2006). Excellent new translation for Penguin Classics, with introduction and notes by an Emeritus Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.
Amongst many other translators of Cyrano de Bergerac into English are Patrick Garland, Charles Renauld (1899), Helen B.Dole (1931), C.H.Bissell & W.Van Wyck (1947), Louis Untermeyer, 1954, Barry Kornhauser (2003), Charles Marowitz (1995), H.Whitehall (1944), John Murrell(1995)
*A detailed comparison of these six translations will be found in my Master of Philosophy thesis, “Edmond Rostand: Cyrano’s Success” (University of East Anglia, England, 1977).
Translations of Cyrano De Bergerac into other languages
Cyrano de Bergerac has been translated into all major and some minor languages. The list below was compiled from M. J. Premsela’s Edmond Rostand (Amsterdam, 1933), and from Thom Christoph’s comprehensive list of translations of all Rostand’s plays, which he kindly made available to the Genge Press for sharing. Please get in touch if you would like to see the complete list. Other information welcome.Of several Dutch translations, that by Baarslag (performed but unpublished except in School en Leven (April – Nov. 1905) was reckoned to be best by Premsela. He did not approve of Willem Kloos, (Amsterdam, 1898) nor R. de Buci’s version (The Hague: 1923), though A. Moorgat’s was, he considered, improved in performance by the actor, Hubert La Roche.
Contemporary translations were also swiftly produced in Italy (Mario Gobbe, Portici, 1898, repub. Milan, 1962); Germany (Ludwig Fulda, Berlin, 1898, continually reprinted and considered the standard version); Denmark (P.A.Rosenberg (Copenhagen 1899); Sweden (H.Molander, 1902, 1947); Spain (L. Via, E. Tintorer & G.O.Marti, Barcelona, 1899, 3rd ed. 1931, 1950, 1952); Poland (four translations in 1988-9, by M.Konopnicka & W.Zagorski (Warsaw); B.Londynski (Warsaw); J.Kasprowicz (Lvov) and M.Chwalibogowa (Warsaw); Hungary (E. Abranyi, 1898); Czechoslovakia (J. VrchlickÝ (Prague, 1899 – the classic translation, reprinted in Prague, 1968).
The twenties and forties saw a new round of translations across Europe: in Czechoslovakia (Dr J.Jahn, Prague, 1926); Rumania (M.Codreaunu, Jassy, 1920; Greece (G.Stratigris, Athens, 2nd ed. 1921); Holland ( Coster, The Hague, 1923); Yugoslavia (P.M.Dimovic, Belgrade, 1946) and Poland (M. Konopnika, 1924).
Other versions of Cyrano de Bergerac have continued to be published, often as a result of new performances. Taken alphabetically by language, we have: in Catalan: X.B.La Sala (Barcelona, 1985) and A.D’Orriols (Barcelona, 1970); in Czech: P.Kopta & J.Pokorny (Odeon pubs, 1970, 1975); in Dutch, L. Spoor; in Finnish (possibly three); in German: numerous older, mostly unsatisfactory (acc. to TC) versions. Modern ones include: A. Cron (1998) and A. Luther (Stuttgart, 1969 – performed 1999 in Vienna; “ the best German translation – brilliant” (TC).
In Hebrew: Y.Ratosh, Tel Aviv, 1965, and T. Karmi, Tel Aviv, 1986; in Hungarian: E.Ábányi (Budapest 1955); there is a Japanese translation (1951) and one in Lettish (Riga, 1937); in Norwegian: M.H.Vesaas (Oslo, 1994). The classic Portuguese version is by C. Pôrto Carreiro (Sao Paulo, 1976). In Russian, two versions appeared in the Seventies: E.V.Baevskoi (Moscow, 1997) & T.L.Shchepkinoi-Kupernik (Moscow, 1972). In Slovenian: Rázsovà-Martàkovà (1939) and in Spanish: L.F.Ardavín (Madrid, 1960) and M. Armiano (recent?).
Major performances of Cyrano de Bergerac
In preparationCyrano de Bergerac as a film (in French, Italian, English and other languages):
1900, Masks & Faces (Pathe, for the 1900 Paris Exhibition): a documentary, with filmed scenes by major actors/actresses. It features Coquelin in the Duel Scene. Film and phonograph (recorded in 1897) were synchronised. See below: Recordings1909, Cirano di Bergerac, silent Italian film version by Ernesto Pasquali
1910: Cyrano de Bergerac : with Robert Péguy, in silent film version directed by Jean Durand
1911: Les Aventures de Cyrano de Bergerac: derivative film by Guillot de Saix, later titled "Scènes de comédie" (SCAGL)
1923, Cyrano de Bergerac: silent Italian film starring Pierre Magnier and Italian cast in Pathecolour, directed by Augusto Genina; some of Rostand’s verses served as sub-titles. (Video distrib. by Creative Exposure; Kino Videos, 1-800-3330). DVD, Sept 2000. First integral version.
1946, first talking film of Cyrano de Bergerac, with Claude Dauphin, directed by Fernand Rivers
pre- 1947: Alexander Korda bought American film rights and got a script from Ben Hecht. Errol Flynn, Charles Laughton and the young Orson Welles all wanted to play Cyrano at one time. Cyrano de Bergerac, not Citizen Kane, would have been Welles’s first film! Later Welles planned a version starring Charles Laughton with décor by A.Trauner. Humbert Wolfe wrote a new translation but the film was never made. Korda later sold American rights to Charles Foreman and Stanley Kramer for 1950 film.
1950, Cyrano de Bergerac, starring José Ferrer, very successful American film directed by Michael Gordon. JF won an Oscar for Best Film Actor. Stanley Kramer productions offered the schools of America sets of 55 frames (35mm) from the film. This was Kramer’s fourth film, and the one that established him financially as an independent film producer. Video distrib. by Video Yesteryear, also one of five titles featured on Monterey Classics, 2 (Monterey Home Videos)
1959: Samourai Saga (Aru Kengo no shogai), film version by Hiroshi Inagaki
1963: Abel Gance’s Cyrano et d’Artagnon imagined an encounter between the two heroes, but this film was not a success. José Ferrer played d’Artagnon.
1969: Stanley Kramer thought of filming the American musical version of Cyrano de Bergerac, but never did.
1974: José Ferrer starred as the historical Cyrano in Cyrano de Bergerac (47- minute video of this film is distrib. by Malofilm)
1974: Hanna Barbera cartoon for children, an ABC After-School Special
1980: Cyrano de Bergerac, film with Marek Kondrat and Piotr Fronczewski
1986: Roxanne, witty modern American transposition, with Steve Martin as Cyrano figure and Daryl Hannah as the eponymous heroine (directed by Fred Schepisi). An enduring success.
1989: Russian film, dir. By Naum Berman, starring Olga Kabo, Grigory Gladiy, etc.
May 1989: Belmondo and Hossein announce their intention of making a film of Cyrano de Bergerac, but Jean-Paul Rappeneau begins to make his own version.
1990: Cyrano de Bergerac, with Gérard Depardieu, directed by Jean-Paul Rappeneau; Rostand’s original text in verse, with additional lines by Jean-Claude Carrière; English subtitles by A. Burgess; music by Jean-Claude Petit. Available as a video from Artificial Eye, ART 015; (with English sub-titles, distributed by Tartan (U.C.ES, 1998; also as DVD, 2000). Some inventions, but keeps the spirit of the original very well. Script: Cyrano de Bergerac, film adaptation, J.-P. Rappeneau and J.-C. Carrière (Paris: Ramsay, 1990)
1997?, Roman Picisan, Indonesian version of Cyrano de Bergerac, starring Rano Karno (shown on Malaysian TV for the centenary)
Film spin-offs and Parodies
1984: Electric Dreams: “A modern-day Cyrano de Bergerac, acc. to producer/writer Rusty Lemorande (Virgin Pictures, London. Directed by Steve Barron, starring Virginia Madsen and Lenny Von Dohlen. August 1984 MGM release.1987: Promis ... juré, variation on the Cyrano theme by Jacques Monnet, set in the Second World War
1996: The Truth about Cats and Dogs, directed by Michael Lehmann. Audrey Wells, screenwriter, was inspired by Edmond Rostand’s plot.
2001, USA: The Right Girl, “Lesbian reworking of Roxanne”, dir. Theresa Brown, with Nicole Haywood, Harold Delaney.
Operas and Musicals
1899, 18th September. New York: Cyrano de Bergerac or A Soldier of Fortune, a musical comedy: Francis Wilson as Cyrano; book by Stuart Reed, lyrics by Harry B.Smith and music by Victor Herbert. 28 perf’s (New York: Witmarch, 1899)
1913, February. Cyrano de Bergerac, an opera, Metropolitan Opera House, New York: music by composer and conductor Walter Damrosch, English libretto by W.J.Henderson using Gertrude Hall’s translation. Closed after five performances by court order (because Cyrano de Bergerac had been banned from the US stage because of a plagiarism suit (which was eventually thrown out – see my The Man who was Cyrano (2003, 2007)). The opera was revived by Damrosch for one concert performance in March 1941.
1932 Cyrano de Bergerac, musical comedy: book and lyrics, Charles O. Locke; music, Samuel D. Pokrass, Vernon Duke and Guiseppe Bamboschek (typescript only UC Cat.), New York, 1932)
1936, January. Cyrano de Bergerac, comédie lyrique (composed 1933-5 by Franco Alfano (pupil of Puccini). At the Opera of Rome, French text adap. Henri Cain; José Luccioni and Maria Caniglia. Reprise: May 1936, Paris, at l’Opéra-Comique. Alfano was forced to make some changes to the text to make it more “Italian”. See 1975, 2003, 2005-6, 2009
1973, May. Cyrano, Broadway musical starring Christopher Plummer. Only 49 performances, at Palace Theatre, NY. Free adaptation by Anthony Burgess, music by Michael Lewis (Decca Broadway CD, 2005, reissue)
1973 A Song for Cyrano, operetta starring José Ferrer, with songs by Robert Wright and George Forrest.
1974 Cyrano de Bergerac, an opera by Eino Tamberg (Estonian). Performed at the Estonian National Opera House in Estonian, 1976, 1995. Recording made 1999-2000; Cpo records 999 832-2, August 2004, 2 CDs: Estonian National Opera Orchestra, cond. Paul Magi, with Finnish baritone Sauli Tiilikainen and Mia Huhta.
1975 Cyrano de Bergerac, by Franco Alfano: 2 CD recording of live Italian Radio broadcast: Turin Radio Orchestra dir. by Maurizio Arena; starring American singers William Johns and Olivia Stapp. Gala Records 100-704. Now unavailable. This recording seems to have been reissued in June 2004 by Opera D’Oro: B00025ET9G. See below.
1979 Cyrano, by Domenico Modugno, commedia musicale, Naples.
1980, May. Cyrano de Bergerac, an opera by Paul Danblon (Belgian), with Gabriel Bacquier as Cyrano, Liège Festival.
1990 Cyrano de Bergerac, Canadian musical by Michael Fox with Brent Carver. Workshop and 6 perf’s at Berkley St. Theatre, Toronto. 2002 CD with Brent Carver.
1993, November. Dutch musical: Cyrano – the Musical, has short run on Broadway after showing in Netherlands. Book and lyrics, Koen van Dijk, translated into English by Peter Reeves; music by Ad van Dijk , starring Bill van Dijk and Anne Runolfsson.
1990s? Cyrano, a Broadway musical by David Shire and Richard Maltby
1994, in Australia: Cyrano de Bergerac, music and lyrics by David Reeves, Australian Studio Cast
1997 – Chinese musical
2001, January. Cyrano de Bergerac, by Franco Alfano. DVD: Roberto Alagna, French tenor, at the re-opening of the Salle Gaveau, Montpellier. Due to a technician’s strike, this was not a public performance, but just done for the DVD: the world ‘s first videorecording of this opera. Alagna had been trying for seven years to get the opera staged. The original French words had been restored. Revived in 2006 in Montpellier. DVD DG 476 739-6; Live in Paris: DVD DG 476 739-7. Distr. By Universal. Deutsch Gramaphon: DVD DGG 982 707-4 Orchestre National de Montpellier.
2003, January. Cyrano de Bergerac, Franco Alfano’s opera: CD: Kiel Phil. Dir. by Markus Frank, with Kiel Opera Chorus, starring Uhl, McNamara and Sadnik (formerly Cyrano). CPO 999909-2. Based on stage performances the previous year. Using the French libretto (Cain). 2 CDs: GL 1007404 (Ordis).
2004, , musical version of Cyrano de Bergerac by Frank Wildhorn.
2005, May. Franco Alfano’s opera: Placido Domingo, who had been trying for ten years, finally starred in this opera at the NY Met (revived Jan – Feb 2006). In May 2006, he repeated the role at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London. In May 2009, he chose this opera for his farewell performance at the Châtelet theatre, Paris.
2007, October, Michigan, USA. Cyrano, an opera. music by David DiChiera, Director of the Michigan Opera Company; book by Bernard Uzan. In preparation for eight years.
Other music inspired by Cyrano de Bergerac:
Overture to Cyrano de Bergerac, Wagenaar (Dutch), Opus 23. Included in several CDs, e.g. Polygram Records, 1991Symphonic Portrait, Cyrano de Bergerac, Stoessel (American), 1922
Orchestral Suite for large orchestra, Cyrano de Bergerac, J. B. Foerster (Czech), Opus 55. CDs include:Supraphon label, Sept. 1996, Prague Symphony Orchestra, Campion Records, Sept. 1995, with Czech Philharmonic Orchestra (includes his Suite from Shakespeare)
Incidental music, Cyrano de Bergerac, Edvin Kallstenins (Swedish?) (1930?)
Poème symphonique, Cyrano de Bergerac, Goldbach (Polish)
Overture, Franz Reizenstein (British-German, 1911-1968), 1950
Incidental music, Cyrano de Bergerac, Nougères (French), c. 1919
Marius Constant: Cyrano de Bergerac, Symphonic Suite. CD: Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte Carlo, conducted by the composer, with Ronald Patterson, Nov. 2000, Bmg Ricordi, no. 1056; CD [2981-CD]
Julia Eckler, song inspired by Cyrano de Bergerac
Music for Rappeneau’s film Cyrano de Bergerac, by Jean-Claude Petit, 1990. CD, Feb 2004 (Colosseum CST 80462)
1959, April, Ballet de Cyrano, with Roland Petit and Zizi Jeanmaire, at the Alhambra, Paris. Choreography by Roland Petit, musical score by Marius Constant. One of four dances introduced by Maurice Chevalier in the film musical, Black Tights, 1960, dir. Terence Young. (Video: Video yesteryear.)1991, May. Cyrano, the Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House, London. Music by Wilfred Joseph, choreography David Bintley. Stephen Jefferies and Lesley Collier alternated with Irek Mukhamedor and Viviana Durante as Cyrano and Roxane. Not considered a success.
2007, Feb., Birmingham, then touring UK. Birmingham Royal Ballet Company. Revival of Cyrano, with specially-commissioned music by Carl Davis; choreography David Bintley. I have seen this: an absolute delight; faithful to the love story; beautifully (and wittily) danced and acted to appropriate and enjoyable music; applause-winning sets: a great success with the audience and worthy addition to the Cyrano repertoire. (SML)
Radio and Television:
In France:
Cyrano de Bergerac, 1960, directed by Claude Barma, with Daniel Sorano as Cyrano (RTV). (Available on Le Livre qui parle and other recordings.) In the early seventies, Jean Piat and Claude Barma planned a new adaptation to be shown as a series, but the Comédie-Française refused permission for the venture.In USA and UK:
1922: BBC officially started broadcasting on 14th Nov. 1922. But on 17th October, their Chief Engineer, Captain Peter P. Eckersley “radiated” excerpts from Cyrano de Bergerac from a wooden hut in Writtle (near Chelmsford, Essex). He and two friends read parts of the Balcony Scene, Act Three.
1938, 29 October. BBC, with Leslie Banks and Constance Cummings, adapted from Robert Loraine’s version, G. More O’Ferrall.
1945, 12 March. BBC, with Sir Ralph Richardson; adaptation of Wolfe’s translation: “A little of Wolfe and a lot of Hampton [US actor using Hooker’s translation], and Norman Finsbury who was commissioned” (Sir RR, in letter to SML)
1966, 4 July; 1967, 8 Dec.; 1973, 20 August; 1976, 1 Nov. BBC, Sir Ralph Richardson, in an adaptation for radio by John Powell, using Hooker’s translation, music by Steve Race. (Jane Wenham, Tim Seely, Patrick Barr)
1990, 31 Dec. BBC: Repeat of 1966 adaptation with Sir Ralph Richardson.
2000, Nov. CBC Radio, USA: adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac as part of “Plays of the Millennium” celebration..
1951, with Jose Ferrer on American TV1968, 11 Feb. BBC TV “Play of the Month”, with Eric Porter, dir. by James MacTaggart, for Rostand’s centenary year.
1985, US TV: RSC production with Derek Jacobi (tie-in with performance on Broadway)
In French
1900 see under FILM: Masks and Faces. Coquelin’s recording of the Duel Ballad on a cylinder was reengraved in 19461910 Sarah Bernhardt reading Nose Tirade, etc. Edison cylinder, unreleased.
1955 Cyrano de Bergerac, Pathé-Marconi: 3 disks. (starring Jean-Paul Coquelin, grandson of Constant Coquelin))
1962 Cyrano de Bergerac, Véga: 3 disks, with the cast of the 1960 French television film.
2001 “Cyrano de Bergerac” de Edmond Rostand, enregistrements historiques 1898 – 1938. Recordings by various actors, including Coquelin the Elder, of extracts from the play, plus Sarah Bernhardt reading poem by Rosemonde Gérard. (Frémeaux & associés)
Cyrano de Bergerac: 2 CD-roms/cassettes;French text with Daniel Sorano as Cyrano de Bergerac (Le Livre qui parle).
In English
Cyrano de Bergerac, 2 cassettes or CD-Roms; unabridged, read by Sir Ralph Richardson and Anna Massey (?HarperCollins?)Cyrano de Bergerac, 2 cassettes, abridged version, St Charles Players, USA (Monterey Soundworks, 1999)
Cyrano de Bergerac, the musical with Christopher Plummer; (Decca Broadway CD, 2005, reissue)
Cyrano de Bergerac, Caedmon Records, with Sir Ralph Richardson?
Cyrano de Bergerac, film of Broadway version starring Peter Donat, Marsha Mason & Marc Singer. DVD 1972,
Cyrano de Bergerac, Royal Shakespeare Company production in New York, dir. By Terry Hands, with Derek Jacobi and Sinéad Cusack; filmed as video 1985:
Parodies and other spin-offs:
Parodies in France: these included: Cyrano de
Blairgerac, E. Gerny & P. Briollet, Eldorado café, 12 Feb.1898;
Exploits de Cyrano de Bergerac, Théâtre de Belleville, 9 Oct., Tours,
1907; Cyronac de Bergerot, A. Hallu & G. Manetche (Gironde, 1918),
with preface by Rostand; Cyrano de Bergerac aux tranchées, 1918, Jules
Suberville (L’Idéal, 17th year, no.3, 1918)Au Balcon de Roxane (1919) a tribute after the death of the poet.
Plus innumerable others, see S.Travers, Catalogue of 19th-century French Theatre Parodies recorded 1789-1914 (London, 1941; in British Library)
In the USA: several parodies, including Cyranose de Bric-à-brac, by H. B. and Edgar Smith, music by J.Stromberg, performed November 1898. (Weber & Fields production); Sir Andy de Bootjack, by Carle & Aarons, etc.
Cyrano de Bergerac also inspired the following novels/dramas:
1900 Le Capitaine Satan, by Louis Gallet (English version, Captain Satan, 1900)
1904 La Jeunesse de Cyrano de Bergerac, by Henry de Gorsse & J. Jacquin; for children, with Lettre-Préface by Edmond Rostand
1921 re C’s early life, by Lucien Pemjean
1936 Cyrano de Bergerac( in English, by O. Dallas & D.M. Dell, dedicated to Rostand’s secretary, Louis Labat) (London, 1937)
1951 Cyrano de Bergerac in cartoon form, ill. By Alex A. Blum (New York: Gilberton) May be same as reissued in 1997 by Acclaim Classics.
1962 Le Sixième Acte de Cyrano de Bergerac, Jacques Le Lorrain: un Acte en vers (Bergerac, Imprimerie Gén. Du sud-oest)
1997 Moon over Buffalo, Broadway farce by Ken Ludwig. Popular with amateurs in USA. About a provincial production of Cyrano de Bergerac
2004 Food of Love, by Anthony Capella: audio CD/cassette (Time Warner)
2006 Cyrano de Bergerac, novel in English, retelling Cyrano’s story for young people, by Geraldine McCaughrean ( Oxford University Press)
Annotated editions of Chantecler in French:
Chantecler (Paris: “Les Introuvables”, Éditions l’Harmattan, 1996)
Chantecler, Théâtre Magazine, Nov.1985
Chantecler, L’Avant-Scène theatre, 959 (Dec.1994, reprinted 1999)
Chantecler, édition présentée et annotée par Philippe Bulinge (Garnier-Flammarion, 2006). With notes, chronology and bibliography.
Chantecler, original French text with notes, introduction and brief chronology IN ENGLISH by Sue Lloyd (Genge Press, 2010)
Books about Chantecler
LIBERMAN, M. F, The story of “Chantecler”: a critical analysis of Rostand’s play (USA: Moffat, Yard & Co, 1910)
ZELLER, A, Explication des principaux jeux de mots etc. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1910, 1911, etc). In British Library (c 1940 edition)
FORRIER, Michel: Chantecler, 2010
Translations of Chantecler into English
HALL, Gertude, Chantecler, in prose, (New York: Duffield, 1910). Frequently reprinted; latest editions 2005: USA, Mass.: Plimpton Press; USA: Indypublish; USA: Kessinger Publishing Co.)
PARKER, Louis Napoleon, Chantecler (performed but not published, 1910; New York Public Library has a typescript)
NEWBERRY, John Strong, Chantecler, blank verse (New York: Duffield & Co., 1911)
BADGER, Richard G., Chantecler (Boston, 1914)
NORMAN, Mrs Henderson Dangerfield, Chanticleer, in rhymed verse, in Collected Plays of Edmond Rostand, vol. 2 (New York & London: Macmillan, 1921). Republished by Bibibliolife LLC, 2011 in original format.
BISSELL, C.H. & VAN WYCK, W., Chantecler, in couplets ( with Cyrano de Bergerac ). Reckoned by TC to be the best. (Los Angeles: Ward Richtie Press, 1947)
KALONYME, Angna (Enters) and Louis, Chantecler (New York, c. 1961)
SMITH, Kaye Nolte, Chantecler (Langham, MD, 1987: Univ. Press of America, Inc.; Rowman & Littlefield, 1987). An excellent translation. Includes preface and some illustrations, ppxiii, 224.
Translations into other languages
In 1927 a successful production in Czech at the National Theatre of Prague
(translation printed in Smêr magazine), encouraged the Théâtre
Porte-Saint-Martin to revive Rostand’s play, where it was also a success.Also translated into Finnish, Italian (1920; 2002 for performance by Teatro Stabile di Catania), Rumanian (1969), Polish (1911), Portuguese(?), Spanish (1950), and German (1956, based on an earlier (undated) translation). In the Netherlands, the contemporary reciter, Henri Dekking, who had translated Rostand’s other plays, did a partial translation for his own performances (unpublished). The translation by Louis Couperus, Dutch poetic novelist, appeared in Groot-Nederland magazine in 1925 but was never performed or published [Premsela].
Major Performances:
In France:Première: 7th February 1910 at the Porte Saint-Martin Theatre, with Lucien Guitry and Mme Simone; and also on tour with Duval from 20th Feb. to South of France, Italy, Athens; with Renoir to Marseilles from 27th February, and with Pierre Magnier to Brussels, from same date. 300 perf’s in Paris plus 700 on the 4-month tour.
1927, October. Revived at Porte Saint-Martin Theatre by Maurice Lehmann, with Victor Francen as Chantecler.
1985. Avignon Summer Festival, directed by Jean-Claude Martin, with Jean-Pierre Gernez as Chantecler and Sylvia Folgoas as the Pheasant. Great success.
1986. At Nantes, directed by Jean-Luc Tardieu at L'Espace 44
1994, Dec. At Théâtre National de Chaillot, directed by Jérome Savary, with Jean-Claude Dreyfus and Agnès Soral. Success.
1999. At Bordeaux, adapted by Georges Berdot
2000, August, at Arnaga, Rostand's villa in Cambo, for the August Festival
In USA and UK:
1911, January 23, at the Knickerbocker Theatre, New York. Maude Adams in Louis N. Parker’s version (thanks to Charles Frohman buying the rights). 96 perf’s, then on tour in USA.
1933, June, at the Festival Theatre, Cambridge, UK: Terence Gray’s last production here before his avant-garde experiment ended. Starring Wilfrid Walter and Miss Fagan.
1995 and 2005: Cory Einbinder’s Chantecler, using actors and puppets. 1995, Philadelphia, Adhesive Theatre company; 2005, April – May, New York, Teatro de la Tea, ditto. He used Kay Nolte Smith’s translation.
Chantecler as Film:
1910. Cartoon parody by Émile Cohl, pioneer animator. Collected by his grandson and viewed at Arnaga, June 2010. The decor is true to the original production; Rostand saw this cartoon.unknown date: Jean-Christophe Averty (see below for television; active in TV, Radio and films), made a film version using his special “incrustation video” technique of filming actors against a blue background with drawn décor (Google)
1930s – 1950s: Walt Disney tried (until 1968), but failed, to make a cartoon of Chantecler.
1992: "Rock-a-doodle", rock cartoon with score by Robert Folk and songs by Kuenster [?]; a Goldcrest film made in Ireland by Sullivan Blunt Studios; re-issued in French as "Roquorico".Viewed at Arnaga, June 2010. The disillusioned Chantecler leaves with his guitar for the town!
Chantecler in Music and Ballet:
Chantecler, a Pastoral Scherzo, by Ernest Pingaud, Russian musician exiled in Finland. c 1920? (Ondine 875, Finland, 01-001) Noted by Records international, Jan.1998.1944 Overture by Gipps (English)
1960s: Chanticleer, a musical (in English) for children by Seymour Barab
Incidental music by Jaroslav Kricka
2002: Chantecler as a musical: book, music and lyrics by Craig Walker, at the Theatre Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Directed by Tim Fort of Queens University.
2005: Une 'libre variation de Chantecler' was performed by the contemporary dance group Intersignes, choreographed by Philippe and Maude Bulinge.
Chantecler on Television:
1976, 23rd Dec. French TV, FR3, dir. By Jean-Christophe Averty, starring Jean Piat and Christine Minzelh. Filmed at the theatre for TVSpin-offs and Parodies:
HANN, Florence Yates, The Story of Chanticleer (New York, London: Heinemann, 1913). An illustrated “novelisation” for childrenCHAFETZ, Stephen: Chanticleer: the Story of a Proud Rooster (New York: Pantheon Books, c 1968). Another, less good (TC), “novelisation” for children
JOSWIAKOWSKI, I: Chantecler (Berlin, 1976) “a rather charming children’s book” (TC).
SALUPO, V.T: Chantecler (USA: New Dawn Press ). Retelling.
At least 12 parodies in 1910 alone, plus pantomimes, fantasies, revue items, etc. Parodies published included: Chantecler, chante clair (Troyes, 1910); Le vrai Chantecler (Paris, 1910); Chante clair, Guignol! (Lyon 1912); Chantecoine (Lyon, 1910).
Centenary Celebrations
Cambo June 2010. A two-day conference on Chantecler at Cambo was attended by leading Rostand scholars including Philippe Bulinge, Olivier Goetz, Patrick Besnier and Michel Forrier. Other speakers included Mme C. Hervelin-Sottou, Mme G. Vogel, M. Michel Fabre and myself.
Annotated editions of L’Aiglon in French:
L’Aiglon, preface and notes by Patrick Besnier (Paris: Collection
Folio, Éditions Gallimard, 1986 (Based on Rostand’s corrected version of 1910
for Lafitte)Books and Articles about L’Aiglon
FAGUET, Émile, “L’Aiglon, drame en six actes”, in Propos de théatre, 1903PAGE, Dorothy, Edmond Rostand et la légende napoléonienne dans “L’Aiglon” (Champion, 1928) Still in print
BULINGE, Philippe, “L’Héroïsme dans L’Aiglon d’Edmond Rostand” (Mémoire universitaire, Lyon III)
BULINGE, Philippe, “La Légende napoléonienne dans L’Aiglon d’Edmond Rostand” (Mémoire universitaire, Lyon III)
ROUSSEL, M, 'Le mythe de Napoléon dans l'Aiglon d'Edmond Rostand' Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier 243 Séance du 15 juin 2009
SACERDOTE, Ugo, “L’Aiglon? Un Faux historique”.
WILSON, J. Paul, The Romance of L’Aiglon (Kessinger Publishing Co., 2005)
Translations into English, in chronological order
PARKER, Louis Napoleon, The Eaglet, in verse (New York: R.H.Russell,
1900; republished 1968 (US, New Jersey: French and European Publications; 2005
by US Kessinger Publishing Co.)NORMAN, Mrs Henderson Dangerfield, The Eaglet, in rhymed verse, Collected Plays of Edmond Rostand, vol. II (New York & London: Macmillan, 1921). Republished by Bibibliolife LLC, 2011 in original format.
DAVENPORT, Basil,The Eaglet (New Haven: Yale University Press, and London: Oxford University Press, 1927)
DANE, Clemence, The Eaglet, free adaptation, with music by Richard Addinsell (New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1934)
Translations into other languages
L’Aiglon was performed in three separate (unpublished) translations in 1918 and 1928 in the Netherlands and was also a school text in French. In Budapest in 1925, it ran for 300 performances. It has also been translated (and been performed) into Danish (1921), Czech (1920), later Hungarian (1993), German (1925), Italian (1903), Polish (1901, 1913), Rumanian (1920?), Greek (1917) and Spanish (peformed 1920, published 1932).Major Performances in France
Première: 15th March 1900, at the Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt; Sarah Bernhardt as the duke, Lucien Guitry as Flambeau. 237 perf’s; then touring USA, Nov. 1900 on, with Constant coquelin as Flambeau.1900. From April 29th, on tour to Marseilles, provinces, Belgium, with Jane Grumbach as the duke
1901, June. Sarah and Coquelin in London, at Her Majesty’s theatre
1901, 14th July 1901. Sarah and Coquelin, charity performance, with Coquelin as Flambeau for first time in France (241st performance in Framce)
June 1903. Sarah and Coquelin, charity performance to celebrate Rostand’s accession to the Académie française.
1910. Reprise at Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt. Blanche Dufrêne and Andrée Pascal shared the leading role with Sarah Bernhardt.
1917, Reprise at Thétre Sarah Bernhardt, starring Mary Marquet, followed by Simone in 1918, then Véra Sergine. All three played the role many times there.
1922-29, Reprise with Jeanne Provost at the Théâtre Porte-Saint-Martin.
Revived regularly at Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt until WW2. Also on tour with Jean Weber, of the Comédie-Française, 1932 on, in Belgium and France. He was not allowed to perform in Paris until 1950
1950, Jean Weber at Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt
1963, Pierre Vanech at the Châtelet théâtre
1999, Festival of Anjou, at Nantes, directed by Jean-Luc Tardieu
Major Performances in USA and Britain
1900, 11 Oct. First in Baltimore, then at the Knickerbocker Theatre, New
York, with Maude Adams, in Louis N. Parker’s translation (New York, 1900) (72
performances; Maude Adams became popularly identified with the part in America.)
1900, Nov. in French: Sarah Bernhardt and Coquelin, Garden Theatre, New York (16 perf’s), then on tour in USA
1901, June – July. in French, in repertory at Her Majesty’s Theatre, London. Sarah Bernhardt and Coquelin
1906, in French: Sarah Bernhardt, on tour
1910 - 1911, in French: in repertory for Sarah’s US and London tour
1914, London, in French (Act 6 only, after amputation of Sarah’s leg)
1916, 1917, in French with Sarah Bernhardt: New York and on tour in USA (Act 6 only)
1918, 19th November, to mark Armistice Day, Globe Theatre, London. Marie Löhr in Louis N. Parker’s version
1919, June. Globe Theatre: revival with Marie Löhr for 30 days
1924, October. in French with Mme Simone: New York, then touring
1927, December. New York. Michael Strange in Louis N. Parker’s version. 8 performances
1934, November. Broadhurst Theatre, NY: Eva le Gallienne in Clemence Dane’s version (58 performances)
L’Aiglon as Film:
In 1913, Sarah Bernhardt wanted to make a film of Rostand’s play. There was
some misunderstanding between herself and Rostand about the rights, but it was
all settled amicably. A silent film was made that year, by the French cinema
pioneer Émile Chautard, starring J. Guilhène. 1931-2, L’Aiglon, in black and white: Jean Weber, with Victor Francen as Flambeau, directed by the Russian director, Victor Tourjansky (with simultaneous German version) for Osso films. VHS video.
L’Aiglon as Opera
L’Aiglon, Starring Fanny Heldy, libretto by Henri Cain, music by
Jacques Ibert & Arthur Honegger, for Opéra de Monte-Carlo, March 1937;
performed at the Opéra in Paris, Sept. 1937. In 1939 perf’s planned for Naples,
Jan 1939, were banned by Mussolini at the last minute. Revived in Marseille
2004Glinski 1918-27….
Television and Radio:
In France:Jan 1939, Paris-P.T.T, radio version starring Maurice Rostand
In USA and UK:
BBC Radio: 1946, 7th January, with James McKechnie; 1952, 9th June, with Marius Goring; 1959, October 26th, with David Spenser, repeated 1966, 13th Feb. All using Clemence Dane’s translation and adaptation.
BBC Television: 12 April 1953: live performance using Clemence Dane’s translation and adaptation, and starring Martin Starkie.
Sarah Bernhardt – on BBC Archives, no 1261Sarah Bernhardt, excerpts, 1910, Edison 35007, 4 min. cylinder; also on CD-Rom, “Le Théâtre Parisien” (1993, EMI, USA and France)
Sarah Bernhardt, excerpts, on “Great Actors of the past”, CD-Rom, 1977 (Argo SW 510)
With Cyrano de Bergerac and a booklet, LPs, Eps, 1972
Many contemporary French parodies, such as: Aiglons-nous les uns les autres (Toulon, 1900); L’Aigle-dindon (Folies Belleville, 1900); Napoléglon (Rochechouart, 1900).LA PRINCESSE LOINTAINE
La Princesse lointaine: annotated edition in English
La Princesse lointaine, ed. J.L.Borgerhoff (Boston, 1909)
Translations of La Princesse lointaine into English
RENAULD, The Princess Far-Away, in verse (New York: Frederick A.
Stokes, 1899)PARKER, Louis Napoleon, The Lady of Dreams (New York, 1913), performed by Simone but not published
BAGSTAD, Anna Emilia, The Princess Far-Away, in verse (Boston: R.G.Badger, 1921)
NORMAN, Mrs Henderson Dangerfield, The Princess Far Away, rhymed verse, in Collected Plays of Edmond Rostand, vol. 1 (New York & London: Macmillan, 1921). Republished by Bibibliolife LLC, 2011 in original format.
HEARD, John, junior, The Far Princess (New York, Holt, 1925). Re-issued in 1987 (New York: Howard Fertig Inc.)
Translations into other languages
La Princesse lointaine has been translated into Italian (1919), Polish (1920 (twice) and 1922 ), Rumanian, Spanish (1950 – the 1929 version), Catalan (1909 – for stage production), Hungarian (1904) and German (1905, by Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski (the official German version). Dr F. Kraft’s version in octosyllabic verse was also written in 1905 but had to wait for publication later in the USA, though extracts were published in 1907 in “La Princesse lointaine” comme lecture classique (Marburg), used as a companion to the frequently reprinted French edition as a school text. In the Netherlands, the French text was used in schools, though there is at least one unpublished translation. It was also a favourite (in the original) in Russia early last century.Thom Christoph’s recently completed Die Prinzessin in der Ferne, in pentameter couplets, awaits a publisher.
Major performances in France:
Première: 1895, 5th April, at the Théâtre de la Renaissance,
with Sarah Bernhardt, Édouard de Max, Lucien Guitry; music by Gabriel
Pierné,30 perfs.
1929, 28 October. Première of the version revised by Rostand in 1908; Vera Sergine, Henri Rollan, Paul Bernard – a success
Major performances in USA and Britain:
1895, June. At Daly’s Theatre, London, in French, starring Sarah Bernhardt. 4 perfs
1912, February. Hudson Theatre, New York. The Lady of Dreams, English version by Louis N. Parker. Mme Simone and English cast, on tour: 21 perfs.
Music inspired by La Princesse lointaine:
c. 1911: an orchestral suite, by Davico (Italian), won an Italian music
prize.1934, March, at the Opéra, Paris: a musical version, by Witkowski (French)(Paris: Heugel, 1934)
La Principessa lontana, an attempt, unfinished, to set it to music, by Italo Montemezzi (Italian)
Overture, by Nikolay Tcherepin (Russian who came to Paris in 1921)
Annotated edition of the French text
La Samaritaine, Évangile en trois tableaux, en vers, édition postfacée, établie et annotée par Philippe Bulinge (L’Harmattan, 2004)
Translations into English of La Samaritaine
NORMAN, Mrs Henderson Dangerfield, The Woman of Samaria, rhymed
verse, in Collected Plays of Edmond Rostand, vol. 1 (New York & London:
Macmillan, 1921) Republished by Bibibliolife LLC, 2011 in original format.GRANTHAM, Wilfred & AGATE, May, The Woman of Samaria, a free adaptation for radio (1945)
LLOYD, Sue & GERRY, Philippa, The Woman of Samaria (Genge Press, 2011 see Plays)
Translations into other languages
La Samaritaine has also been translated into German (1899, 1920),
Italian (1901), Portuguese, Sovak, Hungarian (1907) and Polish (1901).
Major Performances in France
Première: 1897, 14th April (Holy Week) at the Théâtre de la
Renaissance, with Sarah Bernhardt; music by Gabriel Pierné. Revived regularly by
Sarah Bernhardt, usually in Holy Week.
Major Performances in USA and Britain
1910. Sarah Bernhardt, in French, in London
1916, Dec. Sarah Bernhardt, in French, at Globe Theatre, New York
Music inspired by La Samaritaine
Drame lyrique in 3 actes, by Max d’Ollone, performed at the Opéra, Paris,
July 1937
La Samaritaine on Radio and Television:
On French radioFrance-Musique: D’Ollone’s drame lyrique, 27th May 1955; repeated 27th August, 2000.
On UK radio:
29 July 1945: The Woman of Samaria, freely adapted by W. Grantham and May Agate; music by Maurice Jacobson.
Gramophone recordings:
Sarah Bernhardt, 1903, excerpts, on HMV GC 31172 (78 rpm, now on CD-rom); HMV
E 326[not on globalnet.] and Audio 2465 are both in the BBC Gramophone Record
Library. 1910, Edison 35013 ( 4-minute cylinder); also on CD-Rom, “Le Théâtre
Parisien” (1993, EMI, USA and France)LES ROMANESQUES
Guide to the play in English:
DARLINGTON, W.A.,The Fantasticks (London: BBC, 1929; Great Play
Booklet no. 5). Published to accompany a radio performance
Translations of the play into English:
HENDEE, Mary, The Romancers (New York: Doubleday & McClure, 1899); and in anthologies
FLEMING, George (Julia Constance Fletcher), The Fantasticks, in free rhyming verse (New York: Russell, and London: Heinemann, 1900). Reprinted 1925, 1929
CLARK, Barrett H., The Romancers , prose (New York: Samuel French, 1915) Has been the main choice for amateur actors and anthologies and is still in print
BAGSTAD, Anna Emilia, The Romancers, Poet Lore, 32, no. 4 (1921), pp 520-561
NORMAN, Mrs Henderson Dangerfield, The Romantics, in rhymed verse, in Collected Plays of Edmond Rostand, vol. 1 (New York & London: Macmillan, 1921). Republished by Bibibliolife LLC, 2011 in original format.
ANON, in Hidden Treasures in Literature, vol.2 (New York, 1934)
Translations of Les Romanesques into other languages
Very popular in the Netherlands: two classic editions by Hovingh & Bitter, and by M.J.Francen. Also translated into Czech (reprinted 1960); Italian (1903); Polish (1899); Portuguese and Spanish (1902, reprinted 1906). The German translator, Ludwig Fulda, published promptly in1894 (reprinted in 1914). A new German verse translation by Thom Christoph awaits a publisher, but his verse translation into Catalan, Els Novel-lescs (2012) is published by Lengua Nacional, and uses the traditional Catalan verse form.
Major performances of Les Romanesques in France:
Première: 21st May 1895, at the Comédie-Française , with
Charles Le Bargy and M’lle Reichenberg. Music by Georges HuëMajor revivals at the Comédie-Française : 1899, 1904, 1910 (and at other times, Act One alone, as a curtain-raiser), and at the Odéon in 1941, 1954
1922, March, as curtain-raiser preceding La Dernière Nuit de Don Juan
Major performances of Les Romanesques in USA and Britain:
In the USA:1901, July, Philadelphia, in English
1901, October, The Fantastics, at the Empire Theatre, New York: an Academy of Dramatic Arts production. Other similar small-scale productions followed in 1911, 1914 and 1932 [acc. to Mason’s playlist], as well as many amateur performances. By mid-1971, there had been well over 4,000 perf’s. in USA.
1902, January. Act One only, as curtain-raiser, The Romanesques, Madison Square Theatre, New York, in George Fleming’s version. 36 perfs
1916, 1918, performances in French, at the Théâtre Français and the Théâtre du Vieux Colombier, New York
In Britain
1900, May-June, The Fantasticks at the Royalty Theatre, London, in George Fleming’s version, with Mrs Pat Campbell as Percinet
1908, June, at His Majesty’s Theatre, London, in French. Coquelin on tour
1925, June. Oxford University Dramatic Society, Wadham College Garden
Music inspired by Les Romanesques
1918, an opera, by Fritz Hart, soon to be performed in Australia.1960, a musical, The Fantasticks. Book and lyrics by Tom Jones; music by Harvey Schmidt (New York: Applause Theatre Book Publishers, 1960). First performed in USA in May 1960, and still playing around the world, this popular musical is based on Rostand’s Les Romanesques. Performed in the UK, 1967, 1972, etc. in London and touring Britain, finally closing 13th January 1972 in New York after 17,162 performances. Zeitgeist Films have made a documentary about the show’s history.
Television and Radio:
In the USA and in Britain:1929, January. Radio broadcast by BBC (introduced by Great Play Booklet No. 5 (see above)
1964, Oct., NBC TV, USA
Translations in English
LOWELL, Amy, Weeping Pierrot and Laughing Pierrot (New York &
Boston, 1914, with music by Jean Hubert, i.e., Alexis Rostand)LYTTLETON, Edith, The Two Pierrots (performed in London, 1915; pub. 1931)
VERNON, V. & F., The Two Pierrots, or The White Supper, in Modern One-Act Plays from the French (New York: Samuel French, 1933)
CHRISTOPH, Thom, The Two Pierrots, or The Supper in White (UK: Genge Press, 2007) in rhymed verse. Thom Christoph's verse translation into Catalan, Els Dos Pierrots (2012) is published by Lengua Nacional, and uses the traditional Catalan verse form.
In France:Read by actors in salons in Rostand’s time. Performed at the Académie française, Oct 1909, to honour Rostand.
1923 at the Odéon theatre, in a matinée poéetique
In USA and in Britain:
1915, produced by Edith Craig and Patrick Kirwan, in Edith Lyttleton’s translation
1919, Christmas, in French
Still popular with amateur groups.
Translations into English
HOWARD, Sidney, The Last Night of Don Juan (New York, 1925,
typescript only)RIGGS, T., The Last Night of Don Juan, in blank verse (Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1929)
BAGLEY, Dolores, The Last Night of Don Juan, in rhymed couplets, in The Theatre of Don Juan (O.Mandel ed., Lincoln, USA, 1963)
KAYE, Marvin, The Last Night of Don Juan, adaptation for performance
Also in Poetic Drama: an anthology ( A. Kreymborg, ed., New York: Modern Age, 1941
Also translated into Italian (1934, 1991), and Spanish (1944, in anthology)
Performances in France of La Dernière Nuit de Don Juan
Première: 10 March 1921 at the Porte-Saint-Martin theatre, with Pierre Magnier. Lautier & Keller have list of actors. Music played included works by Mozart, Gluck and Berlioz.
1993 Puppet performance at the Théâtre de l’aquarium, Rhône-Alpes, dir. by Émilie Valentin
Performances in USA and Britain of La Dernière Nuit de Don
November 1925, Greenwich Village Theatre, in Sidney Howard’s free verse
adaptation, with Stanley Logan. 16 perf’s. E. O'Neill was one of the producers.1988, at the Producer’s Club, New York (?), using Kaye’s translation
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