ISBN 0-9549043-0-3 November 200466pp A5 format; price £6
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These original poems range from lighthearted to more serious. Brigid is an amused and thoughtful observer of people and of life with its demands and satisfactions.
A number of these poems have won prizes and appeared in magazines and anthologies, such as Quantum Leap, New Prospects, Exmoor, South West Review, Westwards, The Collins Book of Christian Verse and Poetry Now. Her poem "Post Mortem” won first prize in a national competition for Ars Poetica, while “A Summer Visit” won second prize in another national competition.
Poems has been warmly reviewed both locally and nationally. "Here is a superb collection, brushing and bruising with life’s deepest poignancies. It is accomplished and enthralling." Reviewers note Brigid’s sense of humour, ranging from playfulness to wit: her delight in Exmoor and the natural world; her sensitive exploration of loss and increasing age, and not least her technical expertise in verse form and structure. "What a delight at last to find these poems collected, and presented so clearly and unfussily."
Available direct from the publisher for £6.50 including p&p.
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